On Our MMinds
Earned Media Is Earned Credibility
You’ll often hear media exposure described as “free advertising.” There is truth to that, but it can be misleading. By no means are media pickups easy to land; they require strategy, time, effort and expertise.
Choosing a Crisis Communications Pro: What to Look For
When a crisis hits your business, you want a crisis communications pro who can help you respond in a professional, timely and appropriate way.
Transparency in Customer Reviews
In this Forbes article, Michelle and other agency leaders talk about how honest reviews can help you build your brand.
Purpose-Driven and Profit-Driven: Not Mutually Exclusive
Consumers are demanding more from the companies they buy from than just a product or service.
Overcoming the Challenges of Branding During a Crisis
A crisis can happen at any time, which is why having a solid crisis communications plan in place is essential.
Avoid these 15 Press Release Mistakes
There are a number of things you should and should not do to increase your chances of earning media.
Types and Benefits of Earned Media
Take a peek behind the public relations curtain.
Expert Advice: Countering Bad Publicity
In this Forbes article, Michelle and other agency experts discuss the first steps in countering bad publicity.
The Media Moves Swiftly: Don’t Miss Out
Get an insider’s perspective on how the news business works as well as tips on how best to get earned media.
A Case for Case Studies
How do you convince a customer your product or service is right for them? A case study may be just the solution you’re looking for.